discovery: Dr Alasdair Bruce, one of the experts studying the dead
crabs. It is the second year in a row the beaches have been littered
with crabs
And the Procession of Damned Data continues...
Yesterday, January 4th, RyanX discussed
the recent mysterious deaths of blackbirds and fish in Arkansas. As
reports about mass deaths of birds and sea creatures continue to pour in
from all over the world, perhaps it's time to, how should I put it...
"open up the field" ?
January 4th: Canada: Hundreds of Dead Fish 'A Natural Occurrence'
Sarnia, Ontario - Hundreds of dead fish that washed up on shore in the
north end of the St. Clair River is a natural occurrence and not the
result of a chemical spill, a government officials say.
Only one species was affected, further supporting the idea it was a natural occurrence, she said.
"There was nothing to indicate that it was man-made."
January 4th: US: Thousands Of Fish Dead In Spruce Creek, Florida
Thousands of dead fish are floating in Volusia County Tuesday. They were all in Spruce Creek in Port Orange. The fish kill is unusual, according to people who live along the creek, because it's warm.
It's been a week since there were freezing temperatures, but there are fish lining the banks. Some said it's the worst kill they've ever seen; thousands of fish lined the twists and turns of Spruce Creek.
The sheer number of fish and the smell were both overwhelming.
Most of the fish were mullet, ladyfish and catfish, and not the valuable
sporting fish called snook that died in mass during a cold spell last
January 5th: Hundreds of dead snapper washed up on New Zealand beach
Hundreds of dead snapper have washed up on Coromandel beaches on the
North Island of New Zealand, leaving holidaymakers perplexed.
The mysterious incident came as the southern United States was hit with a second unexplained mass bird death within a week.
People at Little Bay and Waikawau Bay, on the north-east of the
peninsula, were stunned when children came out of the sea with armfuls
of the fish and within minutes the shore was littered with them.
Charlotte Pearsall, whose family have lived at Little Bay for the last 30 years, said she had never seen anything like it.
"It was so surreal," she said. "It's such an incredible waste - it could've fed the whole northern tip of the Coromandel."
January 5th: More birds fall out of the sky, this time in Sweden
Shortly before midnight on Tuesday, residents found 50 to 100 jackdaws on a street
in Falköping southeast of Skövde. The incident echoed a number of
unexplained incidents earlier this week across the southern US.
County veterinarian Robert ter Horst believes that the birds may have
been literally scared to death by fireworks set off on Tuesday night.
ter Horst noted that he has also received some reports about pigeons, but the incident has happened too quickly to assume that it is related to the untimely demise of the jackdaws. [Kniall - whatever the hell that means!]
The site where the birds were found has now been blocked for a veterinary inspection of the birds. Emergency services had cordoned off the area earlier on Wednesday.
January 5th: 40,000 'devil' crabs wash up on Kent coast after dying from hypothermia in freezing sea
More than 40,000 of the crabs - Britain's largest swimming crab - are
littering beaches around Thanet, along with smaller numbers of whelks,
sponges and anemones.
Coastal warden Tony Sykes said: 'We suspect that climate change and warmer weather has lured the crabs towards the shoreline.
'They could also be attracted to these waters looking for kelp, to feed on.
'We believe the sudden temperature drop causes the crabs to suffer from hypothermia and die.'
It is the second year in a row that icy temperatures have killed sea creatures in such large numbers.
While the colder climes may be a factor in these mass deaths, we need to
account for the sudden global surge in reports. It's summertime now in
New Zealand, and the residents of Spruce Creek noted that warm weather
has returned to Florida (where it's not difficult to imagine that the
ecocide of certain greedy dwarves is at least a contributing factor). As
RyanX pointed out,
loud booms were reported in Arkansas shortly before the birds began to
fall from the sky, so intense and petrifying sound does appear to a
plausible factor in that case. Fireworks, however, simply do not fly
with me! Besides, most of these events have happened since New Year's
Eve. Who lights fireworks several days into the new year?!
Can overhead cometary explosions, passing earth-grazers or fiery bolides
have visited all these locations in the past week? It's certainly
possible, given that a steady trickle
of mysterious booms, skyquakes and fireballs now reaches the SOTT desk
on a daily basis. Two mysterious "earthquakes" have been reported in northern England in the past fortnight.
I'd like to extend a hat-tip to the SOTT.net reader who commented on the
above report about the dead crabs in England, suggesting that the
planet's magnetic field could have played a role in this fishy global
But before we ponder magnetic disturbances in the force, let's first
turn to ufology and self-described "demonologist" John Keel, most
famous, perhaps, for chronicling The Mothman Prophecies. His rigorous investigations and careful collection of Damned Data
yielded insights into the hidden forces that produce these bizarre
Fortean phenomena - data which mainstream science systematically ignores
in the hope that it will just go away. Keel did a lot to open up a
whole new vista for others to understand why ostensibly unrelated events
come in pairs, threes, fours, and so on.
For the first thirty-three years of the modern UFO epoch (1947-1970) the
notion that those mysterious lights and objects belonged to "the
vessels of explorers, or voyagers, from somewhere else" was the most
popular theory. A handful of cranks and wishful thinkers spread
propaganda that extraterrestrial visitants were flocking to this
mudball. But the great UFO wave of 1964-68 attracted a new generation of
investigators and scientists. They soon realized that the
extraterrestrial hypothesis was untenable for many reasons. So they fell
back on the explanation that the objects came "from somewhere else in
our existence." That "somewhere else" could be as elusive as the fabled
fourth dimension, or the "other planes" of psychic lore. Fort himself
had realized early in the game that the events he was studying were not
unusual. They happened year after year, century after century.
More importantly, they tended to occur in the same geographical
locations. This strongly indicates that these events - be they fish
falling from the sky or strange aircraft adorned with flashing
lights-are inexorably linked with the earth. They are as much a part of
our environment as clouds and bumblebees.
important factor is that all of the events described by Fort are
interrelated in some mysterious fashion. Science fiction writer Damon
Knight extracted some 1,200 events from Fort's books and fed them into a
computer at the Bell Laboratories in New Jersey. Some very interesting
patterns were revealed.
"One salient fact about UFOs is missing from all modern accounts I have seen," Knight commented. "Fort's
data show that they are not isolated phenomena. Unknown flying objects,
unknown bodies seen in space, appearances and disappearances,
poltergeist activity, falls of strange substances and organisms from the
sky - all these things show strong positive correlations with each
other. Taken together, they show evidence of rhythmic fluctuation." [...]
When a UFO wave develops (usually about once every five years), we can
be sure that sightings at Loch Ness will increase sharply, that showers
of stones (always warm to the touch) will start pelting isolated homes
in suburbia, and that people will start to disappear everywhere. These
manifestations are accompanied by magnetic storms and sharp, dramatic
deviations in the earth's magnetism in certain locales, particularly in areas such as the famous Bermuda Triangle.
Charles Fort perceived a truth that had been ignored by scientists and
historians. Our world has two sets of natural laws. One set tells us
stupidly simple things about gravity and nature. The other tells us that
space and time are constantly distorted in our reality, and that we are
all subject to the still undefined laws of that second set. We never
know when we might step through that magic door that will suddenly
transport us 10,000 miles away. We never know when we might encounter a
beast or a being from "somewhere else in our existence." Fish
may rain on us, or red snow, or clouds of insects that no scientist can
identify. Flying saucers will continue to buzz our farms and swamps,
just as they have for thousands of years. Science attempts to
work with the first set of laws and they come up with Black Holes.
Magicians, occultists and psychics strive to manipulate the second group
of laws. In the closing years of this century, science and magic are
merging. When Fort studied the bizarre events of the super-spectrum (a
spectrum of energy beyond the known and the visible) he was obliged to
ask, "If there is a Universal Mind, must it be sane?"
~ pp. 18-19, Disneyland of the Gods, John Keel, 1988
Whatever about ghosts and UFOs appearing in the same locales at cyclical
intervals, surely the notion of fish raining from the sky is
And in the same geographical locations? Impossible!
Time and time again? Is this the same planet we're talking about?!
It's raining fish in Australia, again
February 28th, 2010
While the Top End and Central Australia have been battered by torrential
rains, a Territory town has had fish falling from the sky.
The freak phenomena happened not once, but twice, on Thursday and Friday
afternoon about 6pm at Lajamanu, about 550km southwest of Katherine.
Christine Balmer, who took these photos of the fish on the ground and in
a bucket, had to pinch herself when she was told "hundreds and
hundreds" of small white fish had fallen from the sky.
"It rained fish in Lajamanu on Thursday and Friday night," she said, "They fell from the sky everywhere.
"Locals were picking them up off the footy oval and on the ground everywhere.
"These fish were alive when they hit the ground."
Mrs Balmer, the aged care co-ordinator at the Lajamanu Aged Care Centre,
said her family interstate thought she had lost the plot when she told
them about the event.
"I haven't lost my marbles," she said, reassuring herself. "Thank god it didn't rain crocodiles."
Lajamanu sits on the edge of the Tanami Desert, hundreds of kilometres
from Lake Argyle and Lake Elliott and even further from the coast. But it's not the first time the remote community has been bombarded by fins from above.
In 2004, locals reported fish falling from the sky, and in 1974, a similar incident captured international headlines.
How Fortean is that?! It not only rained fish in this remote Australian town... it rained fish there in 2004 and again in 1974!
There have been several signs that the Earth's magnetic field has been acting up lately. Magnetic north is wandering all over the place. The long-term trend is certainly pointing down:
Earth's Magnetic Field Is Fading
John Roach
National Geographic News
Earth's magnetic field is fading. Today it is about 10
percent weaker than it was when German mathematician Carl Friedrich
Gauss started keeping tabs on it in 1845, scientists say.
If the trend continues, the field may collapse altogether and then reverse. Compasses would point south instead of north. [...]
Without our planet's magnetic field, Earth would be subjected to more
cosmic radiation. The increase could knock out power grids, scramble the
communications systems on spacecraft, temporarily widen atmospheric
ozone holes, and generate more aurora activity.
Fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field appear to influence far more
than the strength of geo-magnetic storms and whether or not some
satellites will be knocked out. These fluctuations seem to correlate
positively with High Strangeness that bleeds through from beyond the
veil which separates what is normally perceptible to us in this 3D
physical world from other realms elsewhere along the electromagnetic
I'll let Keel explain...
The earth's magnetic field is probably the culprit in many cases of seemingly inexplicable phenomena.
Our planet is pockmarked with magnetic anomalies and aberrations. In
many places, a compass will not point north at all. The needle will even
swing in a continuous circle. Sea charts carefully mark those places
where compasses are unreliable. In the 1950s specially equipped planes
of the U.S. Geological Survey made geomagnetic maps of a large part of
the country, pinpointing all the anomalies and aberrations.
Interestingly, many of the most spectacular UFO events of the past
decade have centered around these anomalies. [...]
Magnetism is measured in units called gauss, named after Karl Gauss, a
German astronomer. The earth's natural magnetism and its many effects
are important to our understanding of the overall phenomenon. Magnetic
gauss appear below the Hertzian waves on our electromagnetic spectrum. An intense magnetic field has, of course, characteristics similar to a VLF wave.
At this point we will start constructing what is known as the
superspectrum. This is a hypothetical spectrum of energies that are
known to exist but that cannot be accurately measured with present-day
instruments. It is a shadowy world of energies that produce
well-observed effects, particularly on biological organisms (namely
people). This superspectrum is the source of all paranormal
manifestations from extrasensory perception (ESP) to flying saucers,
little green men and tall, hairy monsters. It is hard to pin down
scientifically because it is extradimensional, meaning that it exists
outside our own space-time continuum yet influences everything within our reality.
~ pp. 64-66, The Eighth Tower, John Keel, 1978
Little wonder these books were 'allowed' to go out of print.
If relatively minor fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field can
produce waves, flaps and spikes of bizarre, paranormal and psychic
phenomena, I can't help but wonder what a complete reversal of the poles
would do? Would the veil be temporarily suspended altogether? And would
we find ourselves amidst Keel's 'superspectrum'?
Earth's Magnetic Field Flipped Superfast
Shields down! Earth's magnetic field may drop in a flash
I cede like RyanX that all of this is highly speculative. But the Way is
open and the Procession of the Damned continues its march. When diverse
locations the world over simultaneously become littered with birds and
seafish, the least we can say is that someone or something has gotten our attention.
Comment: To see the staggering number of 'die-offs' around the world depicted on the world map (with links to the news stories) click here
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