Plane Madness
If you thought the volcanic eruption in Iceland was awesome, wait till
you see what Mother Nature has in store for us. Increased seismic
activity around volcanoes suggests we can look forward to more
spectacular eruptions in the months ahead. Mount Redoubt in Alaska is stirring from its slumber while Mount Etna in Italy threatens to enter a new eruptive period. Preparations are being made to evacuate 3,000 people from the Gaua Volcano on the Pacific island of Vanuatu as renewed activity suggests a large eruption is imminent. The Ischia Volcano
off the coast of Naples in Italy has some observers worried, although
as pointed out in its Connecting the Dots installment for March,
it's the 13 major underwater volcanoes off Italy's southern coast that
are scientists' primary concern. Somebody had better contact air traffic
controllers in central America and explain to them the intricacies of
ash particles and jet propulsion. When an eruption at Guatemala's
Santiaguito Volcano sent a plume of ash 30,000 feet into the atmosphere
and dusted a large swathe of western Guatemala
late April, regional airspace remained open for business. Either
politicians there care nothing for airlines' safety or they know
something the "experts" in Europe do not.
The Global Warmists have jumped on the hysteria generated by
this "ash cloud" to claim that increasing volcanic activity is due to decreasing pressure from melting ice caps, which of course is due to 'man-made global warming'. But the ice caps cannot be melting because the increasing extent of sea ice in the Arctic broke records throughout April. Other warmists found their silver lining in the flight ban itself, claiming to have quantified the amount of evil CO2 the planet was saved from grounded planes! Admittedly, the skies were brilliant blue over Europe during the flight ban's first week, but that is besides the point. The point is that oceans absorb and thus regulate the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere.
It is statistically redundant attempting to quantify the net
atmospheric CO2 levels from a 70% reduction in air traffic over one
continent for 6 days! It may seem like a significant factor from a local perspective, but in terms of the overall system, it isn't. Fred Goldberg explains that "one can never find more than 4 percent of CO2 in the atmosphere coming from humans."
Al Gore's financial links to chemical and oil
companies keep bubbling to the surface and yet his convenient lies
continue to hold court with official culture. In the UK, Lord Oxburgh's
"Inquiry" recently found "absolutely no evidence of any impropriety
whatsoever" after its brief whitewash
of an investigation into Climategate. All he had to say on the matter
was that "We found a small group of dedicated if slightly disorganised
researchers who were ill-prepared for being the focus of public
attention." The British government followed this up by announcing that it will be employing 'experts in extremism' hunting down anyone who so much as doubted the CRU's (un)scientific work.
Clearly something beyond humanity's role is causing the planet's surface
to open up. Following the strong earthquake in Sumatra earlier last
month, locals noticed that the seabed has risen along the Aceh coastline
and that rocks and mud are spewing out from fissures, prompting them to
wonder if "an undersea volcano could be forming." The strong seismic
activity gives us an indication of the activity going on beneath our
feet and especially below the oceans, where much bigger and much more
active volcanoes are warming the oceans. I wonder if the Deepwater Horizon
oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico came off its hinges due to the
sea floor rupturing? One angle now being examined is that a bubble of methane triggered the blast onboard the rig. This jives with's observations of reports of methane bubbling up
from below the oceans in ever greater quantities. There have been
devastating explosions caused by underground methane leaks at mines in Russia, China and the US in the past month alone.
Whatever the weather
Copious amounts of rainfall hit Rio de Janeiro last month as Brazil's second largest city experienced the biggest deluge in its history. Around 150 people were swept to their deaths in the initial flooding and soon 200 more were buried when a devastating landslide hit the Morro Bumba slum. Already in May there has been heavy flooding in Dagestan, southern Russia and flash floods have killed at least 66 in Afghanistan. A landslide in northern Italy killed 11 late last month when a train was knocked clean off its tracks; last week massive landslides were reported
in the Chongqing province of southern China, where sudden downpours
flooded the city of Hunan and left at least 39 people dead. A severe
cyclone in eastern India that killed at least 140 people also left over 500,000 homeless last month, while to the north of the country over 40 people were killed in devastating thunderstorms last week. Tornado season arrived in the western hemisphere with The Bahamas and then the southeastern US seeing twisters level homes and wreak "utter obliteration" in Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi and most recently Oklahoma. But the biggest precipitation event hit Tennessee, which experienced sudden record-breaking flooding late in the month as storms dumped up to 16 inches of rain over two days, turning highways into rivers and prompting mass evacuations from Nashville. In fact, the scale of the flooding there only became apparent days after the event. Shades of Katrina:
It's not difficult to imagine that if it were cold enough, that would
translate to roughly (depending on the type of snow) 115 inches of snow
(over 9 feet) - a rate of precipitation that gives us a clear indication
of how suddenly ice ages develop. Indeed while this was going on the northeastern US states
received a record-breaking late dumping of up to two feet of snow that
caught people off guard following a brief Spring thaw. Less unusual were
similar blasts of Arctic air that brought snow to the central Canadian
plains at the beginning and end of the April, but how anyone still believes that the planet is warming after snow blanketed southern California, northern Mexico and southern France in the first days of May is beyond comprehension. You have to go back to 1969 to find the last time Tokyo experienced such a late snowfall and back to 1908 to find the previous coldest April in Korea.
The harshest winter in living memory has naturally delayed the arrival of Spring in many places, but even after many places thawed out, late 'rebounds' of icy weather
threaten to stunt Spring growth throughout the growing season.
Inhabiting the coldest place on the planet, Siberians are still
struggling with their second-coldest winter in over a century. Indeed the polar region is a useful indicator of the cooling trend. Russian scientists say that the Arctic has in fact been steadily cooling since 1998. Lawrence Solomon reports:
"The Arctic ice set 30 records in April, one for each day. According to
satellite data received by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, the
Arctic was more ice bound each day of April than it had been any other
corresponding day in April since its sensors began tracking the extent
of Arctic Ice in mid 2002."

© Associated Press
including Buddhist monks, carry an earthquake victim wrapped in a
blanket in Yushu county in western China's Qinghai province on Thursday.
including Buddhist monks, carry an earthquake victim wrapped in a
blanket in Yushu county in western China's Qinghai province on Thursday.
The intensity and frequency of earthquakes continues
unabated, with the three biggest tremblors in April all occurring
within days of each other. Sumatra in Indonesia was hit with a strong 7.8 earthquake in early April (a 7.2 quake also struck the region last week), a 7.2 quake
shook northern Mexico, then a 7.1 quake left over 1,200 dead in Qinghai
province, central China. Earthquakes are familiar events at these
locations, but the same can't be said for Spain, where a 6.3 apparently struck deep below the southern city of Granada in the middle of the month. The 'earthgrazer' filmed
passing over Spain's southern coast at around the same time that day
left me wondering if the two events were related. Perhaps they were one
and the same event? On May 9 an earthquake hit the west of Ireland where
none has ever been registered before. But was the source of this
'quake' above or below? Are earthquakes occurring in strange places or
are atmospheric explosions being mistaken for earthquakes? Witnesses described the event thusly:
An earthquake has shaken the west of Ireland for the first time since records began.
Locals felt their houses shaking and heard loud bangs as the mini-quake,
measuring 2.6 on the Richter scale, hit north Clare on Thursday night.
Liscannor resident Martin Doyle said: "I felt the whole roof shake. I
thought the wall was collapsing. My neighbour called and he thought that
the sound he heard was me falling down the stairs."
Rosemarie Buckley, who lives nearby, also said: "The house shook and we heard a loud bang."
Her husband Tom added: "We didn't know what it was. We thought it might have been a meteorite or something."
In mid-April a "huge green fireball" witnessed by thousands across several northern US states left a trail of fires along a one-mile stretch of forest in southern Wisconsin, US. Meteorites were later found.
Late in the month three houses in close proximity on the Duren Strait in Indonesia were struck by falling debris that "shook the roof" and made "a lot of noise" according to terrified residents.
Blast in East Jakarta Believed to Be Meteorite
Lapan researcher Abdurrahman said no fragments of the projectile had been found but the deep crater in the floor of the house, the residual heat footprint and melted items pointed to a meteorite.
Meanwhile stargazers in Southland, New Zealand were amazed to see a slow-moving fireball blaze overhead one evening. And check out this fiery pebble that landed on a beach in Israel last month.
Now let's take a look at the exhaust trail left by the Space Shuttle
Discovery as it blasted off from Cape Canaveral early April. Onlookers
were bewildered by the "psychedelic" patterns in the sky:

© Adam Bojanowski
We can see now why the ancients described comets and fireballs as "dragons in the sky"
We can see now why the ancients described comets and fireballs as "dragons in the sky"
Remember this? A Russian ICBM test-launch failed, forcing the rocket into a spin as it burned through the atmosphere:

© Rex Features
spiral: Residents in northern Norway were left stunned after the
lightshow, which almost looked computer-generated, appeared in the skies
above them
spiral: Residents in northern Norway were left stunned after the
lightshow, which almost looked computer-generated, appeared in the skies
above them
Here's a photo of the aftermath from another meteor that turned night into day in the American Midwest last November.
It left a similar "noctilucent" (night-shining) trail illuminated by
the long set sun and twisted into this spaghetti formation by
high-altitude winds:

© SLTrib/ Les Ashwood
photo believed to be depicting the meteor's aftermath, taken at 7 a.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2009, from Clive, in western Tooele County, looking
east toward Salt Lake City.
photo believed to be depicting the meteor's aftermath, taken at 7 a.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2009, from Clive, in western Tooele County, looking
east toward Salt Lake City.
Cosmic Climate Change
What is causing trails that might otherwise quickly dissipate to instead
take on strange forms? The awesome meteor displays now happening on a
regular basis provide a clue. Something wicked this way comes.
The inner solar system has steadily become crowded with cometary
debris. Don't expect officialdom to risk mass panic by explaining all
this to you anytime soon - check out the data for yourselves.
While some of the larger fragments penetrate to Earth's lower
atmosphere (even to the ground) the upper atmosphere has attracted the
electrically-charged particles discharged by comets and coated the
planet in a film of variable density. The contrails of airplanes,
rockets, space shuttles and incoming meteors become suspended in weird
and wonderful form when they interact with the volatile mixture of
cometary dust, ice crystals and volcanic plumes.
Eyjafjallajokull's eruption is another significant marker as we approach
catastrophic climate change brought on by the build-up of comet dust in
the upper atmosphere. The marked increase in the number of strong
earthquakes and volcanism strengthens SOTT's hypothesis that the
planet's rotation is slowing down, however slightly, weakening the
magnetic field and thus literally "opening up" the planet.
Bear in mind that most volcanoes are underwater,
so as they warm the planet's oceans more water is evaporated into the
atmosphere where it meets the cooling upper atmosphere and precipitates
rapidly as deluges of rain - or, as we've seen above, as snowfall where
there shouldn't really be any. We are approaching a tipping
point where the feedback loop rapidly locks the planet's climate cycles
into ever-increasing precipitation falling back as snow. When we also factor in the low solar activity (sunspot numbers are at a 90-year low) and the planet's intensified water cycle (caused by the warming oceans), an abrupt system shift into a new Ice Age is on the cards. I don't dare call when this will happen, but I'm not alone in thinking that it will happen soon - very soon.
Further reading
Comets and Catastrophe Series, by Laura Knight-Jadcyk
Howdy Niall,
I just read your post and find it very interesting. I have recently studied the ZetaTalk archives and wonder if you'd comment on that perspective. My brother put them in a PDF recently and the photos going back to around 2003 - starting at page 1600 in the document - are somewhat startling. There are over 500 pages of them. The link to the PDF download is at
I'm very curious as to what's going on starting with reading Velikovsky in the 1970's and travelling through most of the writings of Keel, Vallee, Allan & Delair, Dolan, Knight & Lomas, LaViolette, Cotterell, Rand Flem-Ath, Felix and many others.
I'm about to read the links in your article and see if I can get a better understanding of what you see happening. If you could post links to other articles of yours I'd appreciate it. Thanks, John
Hi John,
Thanks for your feedback!
I'm unfamiliar with the ZetaTalk archives, but if you're referring to the alleged 'Planet X' leaving its mark in our solar system, then yes, I am familiar with this idea.
By now you will hopefully have explored some of the links in my article, but the one I would encourage you to read in its entirety is the last link to the 'Comets and Catastrophe' series of articles by author Laura Knight-Jadczyk, whose research nicely compliments the work of those you listed.
Now, the link provided at the foot of the article actually takes you to a later article in the series - if you follow this one, it will take you to the first:
I tried to view the link to your brother's PDF, but I kept getting a message saying that it's no longer available. Do you have another link to it?
I think Planet X as the fabled 'Nibiru' has been successfully debunked:
...however the 'Planet X' idea got me on to Prof Jim McCanney's work, a copy of whose "PLANET-X COMETS & EARTH CHANGES" I'm still waiting for in the mail! He isn't referring to Planet X in the way that New Agers do and has come up with a Plasma Discharge comet model that makes a mockery of the idea that they're merely dirty snowballs!
I haven't written much myself that touches on these topics, but here's something recent speculating a little on mass bird and fish deaths:
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